To the editor: Conservative finger-pointing is another diversion for Republicans who are actually forcing women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term regardless of circumstance.

In Arizona, e.g., by law, victims of rape or incest must suffer the enduring negative impact of carrying that pregnancy to term. There’s more collateral damage here than imaginable.

Abortion restrictions affect prenatal care for all women, especially low income. Navigating changing laws and access to travel are not easy for many. Doctors and OBGYNs in some states are either moving or refusing to perform reproductive health care for fear of fines, losing their licenses or even jail. Women would need to travel out of state for an abortion or prenatal health care, but Republicans blocked a bill protecting the rights of women to travel to another state for an abortion.

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Whoever and wherever, we all deserve the basic human right and dignity to make our own health and body decisions and to do so without fear. Restrictions on contraceptives for women and conversely denying safe abortion access create another catch-22. It’s the 21st century, yet this issue is treated like the dark ages. "Just stone those women!" The ultimate male entitlement, laying the entire burden on females, comes from right-wing courts and legislatures "good old boys." (Yeah, you, Robin Vos!) Preventing pregnancy prevents abortion, but there is zero male accountability here. Seriously, we need to legislate "the male participation." All that and concern from the right ends at childbirth with no concern for the child or families’ access to health care, nutrition or education. The U.S. lags in infant mortality, tied with Bosnia and Herzegovina, according to .

Republicans, with Trump, schemed to control the Supreme Court and here we are. Trump taking credit when Roe was overturned has also backfired. Arizona’s legislature is currently fumbling to overturn the ruling. Still, I cannot find one poll that supports restrictive abortion laws.

— Sara Mei Wilson, Oconomowoc

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