To the editor: Why is no one talking about the monthly monumental costs to us taxpayers being forced to pay Biden’s lawbreaking 10 million illegals every month?

It is common belief and common sense that every lawbreaking illegal receives free food, free transportation, free housing, free clothing, free education, free health care, free job assistance and for many, a debit card and free phone.

With these 10 million illegals receiving U.S. taxpayer money, this amounts to a staggering multimillion dollars per month. I contacted about 10 different sources to try to ascertain the exact amount of money being spent on the illegals.

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Each one differed. Which one is correct? Who do you believe? Certainly not our government. Again, why is no one talking about this?

I wrote my Democratic senator and asked her to tell me the cost per month per illegal it is costing us taxpayers to fund the lawbreaking illegals and not to lie about it.

A form letter was received a few days later with no answer to my question. Again, wrote her asking to answer my question. This time, no response was received.

With Biden breaking the U.S. constitutional law every day and his oath of office every day by allowing the illegals to enter our nation unlawfully, he has destroyed our nation, the full effects of which will not be felt for a year or two.

This will likely be realized by the increase of murders, rapes, diseases, drug-resistant diseases, increases in thefts, drug trafficking, food shortages and food prices increasing, much longer waiting times to see your doctor, much longer emergency room waits, more traffic, increased fuel prices, increased housing prices and home building materials, more gang activity, etc.

Why is no one talking about these monumental costs to us taxpayers?

Biden just keeps paying out money that he does not have, here and overseas.

— John Ilko, Delafield

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